Has the Fed Really “Changed the Game”?

The most bullish analysts on Wall Street are cheering the Fed’s latest move...

Andrew Miller

My Most Reliable Indicator Says to Sell

The Bullish Percent Index for the S&P 500 (BPSPX) just triggered a “sell” signal...

Andrew Miller

The Easter Bunny Holds a Press Conference

The Easter bunny agreed to take questions during a press conference last Thursday...

Tracy Abel

What I Learned From a COVID-19 Expert

Days ago, CBS News was caught red-handed trying to manipulate public perception of the pandemic...

Tracy Abel

Where to Turn in an “Unprecedented” Market

I've never been more excited to trade...


COVID-19 Can’t Stop 5G

I first noticed it in early January…

Andrew Miller

When This Happens, Get Ready to Sell

The financial world looks a whole lot different today than it did Monday morning...

Tracy Abel

How to Profit While Working From Home

Numbers coming out confirm what we already knew to be the case…

Tracy Abel

Predicting the Bear’s Next Move

The greatest bull market of all time is dead...

Tracy Abel

COVID-19 “Myths” Finally Settled

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) caught the world by surprise…

Tracy Abel