The Strongest Buy Signal in Years

Jeff Clark Oct 13, 2021 Market Minute 4 min read Print

The Bullish Percent Index for the gold sector (BPGDM) just triggered one of the strongest gold stock buy signals in four years.

The BPGDM generates only one or two trading signals each year. The last buy signal we got back in March kicked off a three-month-long 30% rally in the gold sector.

This current buy signal is set up to be even more powerful.

Let me explain…

The BPGDM measures the percentage of gold stocks that are trading in a bullish technical formation. It’s basically a gauge of overbought and oversold conditions.

Since it’s measured as a percentage, a bullish percent index can only reach as high as 100% or fall as low as zero.

Typically, a sector is extremely overbought when its bullish percent index rallies above 80%. It’s extremely oversold when it drops below 30%.

Trading signals are generated when the index reaches extreme levels and then reverses.

Take a look at this long-term chart of BPGDM…


The blue arrows on the chart point to the previous buy signals of the past four years.

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Here’s how the Gold Bugs Index (HUI) performed after all of those signals…


HUI gained 25% in four months following the buy signal in October 2018. It rallied 50% in three months after the 2019 signal. The gold sector surged 90% in three months following the signal in 2020 – which was coming off of massively oversold conditions. And, HUI gained 30% in three months after the BPGDM buy signal earlier this year.

Now, we just got another buy signal, and it triggered with the BPGDM at an even lower level than the signal back in March.

The gold sector is even more oversold than it was back then. So, the coming rally could be even more powerful.

Of course, the gold sector has been hard to trade over the past few months. We’ve seen lots of potentially bullish setups fail. That has led to lots of frustration among gold stock traders. And, it has created an extremely pessimistic atmosphere.

But it is from this sort of extreme pessimism that the best rallies develop.

I expect the gold sector will be much higher three months from now than where it is today. Traders should look to buy gold stocks on any weakness in the days ahead.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark

Reader Mailbag

In today’s mailbag, subscribers write in about Jeff’s recent essay about absurdity

How you expressed your thoughts today were definitely entertaining and relevant. However, I would say that what we are observing is more than absurd. It is devious and evil and calls for some appropriate and civil “explosions.”

– Richard

This has to be the best Market Minute that you have ever issued. Hands down – the best!

This may ignite a firestorm of resistance to this insanity. Brilliant!

– Michael

I will have 17 people over for Christmas. That is a good article, and it might happen that the Democrats are coming to disrupt our lives and take away our values.

– Dale

And, Jeff Clark Trader Charles discusses his thoughts on gold…

The usual is taking place on Fridays in gold. The manipulators sell and go short on the opening, ensuring a weak weekly close. Manipulation is just another form of lying, which has replaced truth in our world.

– Charles

Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful comments. We look forward to reading them every day. Keep them coming at [email protected].