How You Could Get Paid 252 Times a Year

Jeff Clark Jul 5, 2023 Market Minute 4 min read Print

Jeff’s Note: We’re about to enter the absolute worst time to buy and hold stocks. It has to do with a simple pattern that has predicted every summer crash for the last 72 years.

And this time around, it’s predicting a Summer of Hell just days away. That’s why I’ve created a strategy that could help you get paid every day the market is open – no matter what the market does.

To learn more, tune into my free presentation on Wednesday, July 12 at 8 pm ET. I’ll even give away a free ticker to help you get started. Click right here to sign up instantly.

Imagine getting a daily payout, every day the stock market was open.

That’s 252 chances a year to get paid.

What could that do for your retirement? For your family?

Fortunately, it’s entirely possible – for investors at any level. It has to do with a simple strategy I’ve developed over the past few months using my own money.

Each day the market opens, simply place a trade around 10:30 am. By 4 pm, you’re out of the trade.

With a conservative estimate, you could make around $300 per trade.

That’s a potential extra income of over $75,000 a year… a generous salary for anyone working 9-5. But instead of 40 hours a week, all it takes is a few minutes a day.

It’s so lucrative that professional traders, asset managers, hedge funds, and banks all over Wall Street are taking advantage of this opportunity to get paid every day.

Let me be frank… As a retail investor, this strategy won’t make you a millionaire overnight.

However, it will give you the chance to get paid hundreds of dollars every day of the week – no matter what’s happening in the market.

It’s based entirely around just one ticker symbol. So, you can ignore the thousands of other stocks in the market…

Now, if you’ve been buying and holding stocks, you may be tempted to continue doing so. After all, stocks have rallied 5% over the past few months.

With $10,000 invested, you could’ve made a profit of $500. It’s not a bad return…

Although had you taken that money and used my daily payout strategy, you could’ve received $900 one day, $527 the next, and even $1,376 the day after that. Again and again.

That’s the idea behind the strategy. Our goal is generating consistent income, day after day.

It’s perfect for folks who don’t want to wait years in the market, leaving their money at risk.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

To learn how you can get started with this strategy, make sure to tune into my free presentation on Wednesday, July 12 at 8 pm ET. I’ll even share a free ticker symbol to help you get started.

I’ll see you soon.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark