
A Massive Wave of Volatility Threatens to Crash 2023

Jeff Clark Jan 17, 2023 Market Minute 4 min read Print

Andrew’s Note: Andrew Miller here, managing editor of Market Minute.

Around this time last year, a strange anomaly hit the market causing 1,662 stocks to crash in a nightmare that lasted 44 days. They dropped 39%, 47%, and even 58% in a single day.

Now, Jeff Clark is predicting the same extreme volatility will impact hundreds of stocks over a 44-day window starting on January 25.

But he knows how to prepare his readers for this crash… On Wednesday, January 25 at 8 p.m. ET, Jeff will reveal his most reliable strategy to profit during this volatility. And he’s built a proprietary calendar that tells you which stocks to target to quickly get in and out of a trade.

This event is guaranteed to hit soon. So, click right here to sign up for free.

This is the most urgent warning of my career.

A 44-day market-wide crash hangs over the horizon. It’s set to begin on January 25.

During this time, we could see hundreds of stocks crash across the market. The last time this happened – in January 2022 – 1,662 stocks began to crash.

I’m not talking about a couple percentage points either… Some dropped 39%, 47%, and even 58% in just a single day.

If all you’ve been doing is buying and holding stocks, there’s a good chance you’ve seen similar losses over the past year.

But, you don’t need to suffer from the same mistakes this time around…

You see, leaving your money exposed in such a volatile market might delay your retirement, or at worst, it could completely wipe out your account.

That’s why I’ve been diligently working on a strategy to help protect folks just like you from the wild ride ahead… without leaving your portfolio open to market downturns.

It may just be the most reliable strategy of my career.

After all, my proprietary calendar can let me know ahead of time which stocks are pre-determined to see big moves.

As a result, we can be in a better position to avoid massive losses… and collect consistent gains.

While testing my strategy, 19 out of 20 trades proved profitable. That’s a 95%-win rate in one of the worst markets in history.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

In fact, this strategy makes it possible to double your money in the stock market in less than an hour… instead of waiting months or even years to do so.

I was able to personally double my money in just 45 minutes.

So, in the next 44 days, you have two choices:

Do nothing… And leave yourself vulnerable to another wipeout – which is the path most people will take, and ultimately regret.

Or you can choose a different, more profitable path…

If you follow the strategy I used to double my money in minutes, you could actually accelerate your retirement during the weeks ahead.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide how the next 44 days will play out.

To prepare you for this massive wave of volatility… I’m hosting a special briefing on Wednesday, January 25 at 8 p.m. ET. It’s entirely free to sign up… and it could be the difference between another losing year or making up last year’s losses.

To make sure you don’t miss my event, click right here to upgrade to VIP status for FREE. My team will send you text reminders, and you’ll even receive my #1 sector for 2023 in an exclusive report.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark