Market Minute

Jeff Clark’s Market Minute is a free e-letter containing the unique insights of master trader Jeff Clark. By analyzing broad fundamentals, technical patterns, volatility, and momentum, Jeff helps traders prepare to profit on the most likely moves the market will make.

The Action to Watch on 4/18

The S&P 500 Index had a terrific bounce off of support yesterday. The index popped 20 points higher, recovering everything it lost last Thursday. And the Volatility Index (VIX), used to measure market risk, triggered a new “buy” signal. So we should be ready to rally to new all time highs.

The Action to Watch in the Markets Today

The S&P 500 has reached my downside target for the recent decline. It could fall farther, of course. But conditions are now oversold enough that the downside risk is limited from here. And the potential reward now justifies that risk.