The Difference Between Gambling and Trading

Jeff Clark Jan 5, 2022 Market Minute 8 min read Print

Every time December comes around, I can be sure of a few things… the family will get together, there’ll be leftovers for days, and I’ll answer a million questions about what I think the markets will do next year.

It’s always the same kind of questions…

What’s the Fed going to do next?

What’s the one stock I can’t afford to miss out on next year?

Is the market going to crash?

Isn’t trading just like gambling?

But, I don’t mind. I get it – money is important to all of us.

And if there’s a chance my investments could go up in smoke – or if there’s a huge opportunity just around the corner – I would want to know too.

Here’s the thing, I don’t think that having the answers to those questions will help my family make any money.

The only exception is that last question about gambling and trading.

And, I’ll get to that question in just a minute. But first, I want to tell you what I told my family around the dinner table…

The truth is I have no idea what the Fed will do and when. Not with absolute certainty, anyway. And I don’t know what the best stock of 2022 is going to be. Anyone that claims to have these answers is lying.

At best, we’re all making educated guesses. Sure, some folks’ guesses might be more educated than others. But all anyone can tell you is what they think will happen.

I don’t dwell on these kinds of questions too much because they don’t help me make money as a trader.

For example, even if I definitely knew what a stock’s earnings report would be ahead of time, there’s no guarantee that I’ll know exactly how the stock price will perform once that earnings report is released.

How often have you been in a trade, the earnings report comes out positive, and the stock gets crushed? Then, you frantically comb through different analysts’ interpretations of the aftermath, and they’re all saying the upside was already priced in.

Of course, those same analysts weren’t suggesting the upside was priced in before earnings were released. It turns out even the blind can see with the benefit of hindsight.

Now, this brings us back to that critical question of whether trading is just another form of gambling.

My answer is that it depends on the person doing the trading. There’s no doubt a lot of traders are certainly gambling.

If you want proof, just head over to Reddit’s WallStreetBets community, where countless “Redditors” gamble away their paychecks weekly.

So, what’s the difference? It’s simply that gamblers are amateurs. They look for the exceptional, while professional traders look for the probable.

Gamblers are interested in “meme” stocks and dogecoin. In other words, those rare “moonshots” that make for the even more rare rags-to-riches stories.

Yes, some folks have made overnight fortunes in the markets. But for every one of those lucky individuals, countless others have lost everything by betting it big on a risky investment.

It’s the exact reason why casinos will always be popular… it’s all about that chance you might strike it rich if it’s your lucky night.

Casinos don’t mind the odd player cleaning them out. It serves as a reminder that maybe you could actually win big at the roulette wheel or the blackjack table.

Of course, for every gambler that makes out like a bandit, there are two dozen more that walk out without a penny in their pockets.

After all, the house always wins.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

When it comes to the market, however, things are a bit different…

Professional traders only act when they know they have an edge – an advantage that tilts the odds in their favor. This is what allows them to pull consistent profits from the markets repeatedly.

That edge could be a specific trading strategy, a chart pattern, or a combination of different indicators that tell you when to take a trade. The important thing is that you can recognize your edge when it’s there.

For example, my edge is built around chart patterns.

I look for patterns like triangles or the head and shoulders, which alert me to high-confidence trading opportunities. If I see a pattern I recognize, then I know my edge is present, and I can look to take a trade. If I don’t, then I wait.

You see, I know that a chart pattern will pop up sooner rather than later, and I’ll have an excellent trading opportunity to sink my teeth into.

As we kick off 2022, I’m waiting for my edge to appear in the charts.

Right now, I see a lot of different markets showing great potential for big moves… but I don’t see a reason to pull any triggers quite yet.

Knowing when not to trade is just as (if not more) important than knowing when to trade. Remember, a trader’s primary responsibility is to preserve their capital.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that it can take a long time for a position to generate a decent return. On the other hand, you can incur a painful loss very quickly.

Whether the markets are a casino is entirely a matter of perspective. If you think they are, you’re likely taking a gambler’s approach to your investments.

On the other hand, the markets can be an incredibly consistent vehicle for generating steady returns.

Amateur or pro, the choice is ultimately yours.

Next Wednesday, I’m anticipating that there will be a target to shoot at that fits my criteria for a high-confidence trade setup.

I look forward to sharing that setup with you soon.

Happy trading,

Imre Gams
Analyst, Market Minute

Reader Mailbag

In today’s mailbag, a few Delta Report members share their thoughts on how Jeff’s son almost gave him a heart attack one early morning…

Jeff, I enjoy reading all your notes, trades, and Market Minutes. I feel like you truly have a very good overall outlook on the markets. But this is the best message that I’ve ever read from you!

Life is more than just the ups and downs in the market, and you showed great wisdom in teaching/explaining that to your son. (And of course, he did too, by reminding you about what life really is!)

I hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas and that you will have a Happy New Year as well!

– Karen B.

Amazing story today. Thank you for reminding everyone about our strength and what’s important. Money comes and goes, but we only have one of these lives…. and it’s precious.

– Tim R.

Thanks for the article! Children are very observant of their parents’ emotions, and just want their parents to be happy. As far as market volatility, sometimes it’s just patience, prayer, and realizing everything isn’t in our control. Thanks for the insightful articles!

– Molly K.

Thank you, as always, for your thoughtful comments. We look forward to reading them every day. Keep them coming at [email protected].