
This Comment Hit Me Hard

Jeff Clark Mar 13, 2018 Market Minute 6 min read Print

Okay folks… today I’m going to expose an open wound to you.

I’m not doing it for sympathy. I’m not hurt too much by it. I’ll recover.

I get a lot of great, positive feedback. Thank you for that. I’m not asking for more.

But, since most of you have followed my writings for many years, I thought you might be interested in some of the negative comments my essays provoke.

Please understand though – this doesn’t influence my trade recommendation thought process. Except to the extent it provides a contrarian viewpoint.

But damn, this guy hit me hard last week…

I do not mind paying your high fee, just do your darn job! No trades for days and the ones you have are small gains and some losses. I can throw a dart at the board and make better picks.

No updates today either, just the same old notes – you are thinking about the market. Do your job. You took our money, now get us trades that make 100% ROI that you advertise! Like Coach Belichick says, “DO YOUR JOB!”

– Mark

Mark… being completely serious, I love that you wrote in to complain. I want to hear this stuff… and here’s why.

First off, I fear that I’m not providing what my promotions promised. We haven’t had many earnings trades this season. And maybe I haven’t provided the aggressive trades you were looking for.

But I’ve always argued that I’d rather lose subscribers for not making them as much money as they thought they should make… than lose subscribers from losing them money. I don’t want your experience with me to be a bad one.

But, I’m confused… I’m not sure exactly what you’re complaining about. I’ve made 17 new trade recommendations in the past 10 weeks. That’s an average of 1.7 trades per week – which is arguably a lot of activity. 83% of our closing trades have been profitable. Of the remaining five trades, we have unrecorded profits on three of them.

You can complain that your experience with me was not to your liking. You can complain it wasn’t as aggressive as you wanted it to be. But, come on… 17 trades in 10 weeks is surely enough to satisfy even the most active traders.

And in my blog, I’ve commented an average of six times per day for all of 2018. Surely you can’t possibly be upset that I haven’t shared my thoughts with you.

Here’s what you need to know…

I will work tirelessly to make sure you don’t lose money on my recommendations.

So I’m not going to throw darts at trades just for the sake of doing something – anything – to justify my service.

I want you to make money. I want you to be a happy subscriber to my service. That’s my objective. You’ll make money. You’ll renew your subscription. And I’ll profit as well.

But my goodness… if you’re not happy with what I’ve done so far in 2018, I can’t imagine a situation in which you will ever be pleased.

As of Friday’s closing prices, I’ve made 17 new trade recommendations this year. The average holding period is a little over 16 days. And the average return is just over 21%.

If you can make 21% every 16 days, then your annualized return is 478%.

Please tell me, Mark, what exactly do you think my job is? If I have not satisfied your job requirements so far this year, or in 2017, then please, by all means, find someone else to follow.

I’m not being glib, and I’m not discounting your complaint. I’m just trying to bring your expectations back to reality. If you’re not happy with an 83% win rate and a 478% annualized return, then I can’t possibly imagine a situation in which you’d be happy with my advice.

And… just because I feel like I have to say this because my kids read everything I write, and I expect my sons to follow a certain standard when they’re displeased with something…

Mark, don’t underestimate the value of manners when you wish to complain about something.

The multimillion-dollar contract that Coach Belichick gets paid to yell at players to do their jobs does not transfer equally to you.

You have paid a subscription to purchase my advice on trading opportunities. That does not make you my boss.

There’s a generous refund period allotted to everyone who subscribes to my newsletter. If you don’t like my service, then you have ample opportunity to request a refund.

However, if you wish to maintain your subscription and you wish to complain, then please present your complaint in a way in which my kids don’t question why I don’t just tell you to move on.

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark

Reader Mailbag

Today, a different kind of note from a Delta Report subscriber…

I like your updates on the current doings of the market; I see your passion every day and thank you for your thoughts! Nobody can give perfect trades; we still win more than we lose with your trades!

Thanks for helping us understand this crazy market and offering your daily lessons of trading! Looking forward to your next winner. SDS trade today – will it work next week? Like that bet.

– Jeff

As always, please send your comments, questions, and trading stories right here.