
This Pattern Can Put Your Retirement on the Fast Track

Jeff Clark May 5, 2022 Market Minute 4 min read Print

Andrew’s note: Andrew Miller here, managing editor at Market Minute.

Most long-time readers know that Jeff managed to retire at the age of 42 due to his successful trading career.

And with inflation on the rise, many people are worried about falling behind on their retirement plans.

That’s why next Wednesday May 11 at 8 p.m. ET, Jeff will reveal a strategy that’s so reliable even Wall Street legend, John Bogle, called it a “law of gravity in the stock market.”

The traditional buy-and-hold approach no longer works in a bear market. Instead, you’ll want to be in and out of short-term trades… never leaving your money exposed for long. It’s only by consistent profits that you can protect your capital. To learn how, sign up for Jeff’s special presentation here.

Every year, an extremely profitable 44-day window hits the markets.

I call it “the 44-Day Retirement Accelerator.”

That’s because it can help regular folks put their retirement on the fast track.

Over the past six months, I’ve been working hard on creating a new strategy to take advantage of this rare window.

Recently, I gave a small group of subscribers a sneak peek.

Today, let’s recap one of those recent winners…

The first thing you should know is that this strategy is based on a pattern that tends to follow a pre-determined schedule.

So, you know ahead of time when to target certain stocks.

For example, on April 5, I knew there was a good chance the pattern would appear on Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA).

Sure enough, WBA was showing the pattern I was looking for. I recommended that subscribers buy the Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) April 14 $43.50 calls.

Take a look at this WBA chart…


(Click here to expand image)

This is a chart of WBA the morning I issued the trade alert. Notice how as the stock was heading into the beginning of April, prices dropped sharply.

That’s exactly when this little-known pattern appeared, telling me the stock was ready to rally.

This pattern is so reliable, that it’s even been called a “law of gravity in the stock market.”

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For example, during our beta test we had a total of 20 trades. And out of those 20 trades, 19 were winners.

That’s a 95%-win rate.

So, I wasn’t surprised when shares of WBA rallied shortly after my recommendation…

The very next day on April 6, I recommended subscribers sell the WBA calls for a gain of around 78% in just one day. Take a look…


(Click here to expand image)

Normally, it would take you months and even years to make 78% in any stock. But anyone who followed my recommendation had a chance to do it in just one day.

And this wasn’t an isolated incident. Dozens and dozens of opportunities like this happen every year around similar events.

The next 44-day window will open up soon…

Meaning plenty of trades like this… no matter which way the market goes.

To learn more about my new strategy, which I call the “44-Day Retirement Accelerator,” click right here.

I’m sharing all the details during a special presentation on May 11 at 8 p.m. ET. I’ll even give away three stocks on my watchlist this year to all who attend.

You won’t want to miss this event…

Because your life could look completely different 44 days from now.

Best regards and good trading,

Jeff Clark