Why You Don’t Want to Be a Lone Wolf Trader

When you think of great traders, what names come to your mind first?

Managing Editor’s Note: When you think about the frenetic life of a Wall Street trader, images from movies like Trading Places, The Big Short, and The Wolf of Wall Street come to mind.

These movies often show traders as lone wolves, guys who singlehandedly beat the market.

But that’s a myth.

The reality is this: The world’s best traders have teams of analysts behind them. These teams provide them with an edge.

In today’s essay, veteran trader Jonathan Rose explains why being part of a community of traders can give you an advantage in the markets.

Jonathan has given members of his trading community the chance to make gains of 117%… 194%… and 279% in just six weeks.

In fact, of the first seven trades Jonathan closed, all were winners. And the average gain was 125%.

Recently, Jonathan opened the doors of his trading community to new members. And right now, he’s offering a huge discount off retail price to charter members.

You can learn more about it right here. But he’s only offering this deal until midnight tonight.

Then read on below to find out why Jonathan believes it’s better to be part of a trading wolfpack than a lone wolf trader…

When you think of great traders, what names come to your mind first?

Maybe it’s George Soros, who once broke the Bank of England. Or Paul Tudor Jones, who reportedly tripled his money betting the stock market would crash in 1987.

If you’re not familiar with him, Soros is legendary for “breaking” the Bank of England in 1992.

At the time, the British government was trying to prop up the pound against the deutsche mark and was buying large amounts of its own currency to try to stabilize it.

Soros saw the situation and didn’t see how the UK could afford to keep it up, so he took a gargantuan $10 billion short position against the pound. When the government inevitably threw in the towel, Soros walked away with $1 billion from the trade.

Jones is known for predicting the October 19, 1987, crash known as Black Monday. He reportedly tripled his money during the event due to large short positions, earning an estimated $100 million.

Given the eye-popping sums of money these guys made from their individual bets, it’s no wonder Soros and Jones became legendary.

If you believe legendary traders like Soros and Jones were so-called Lone Wolves – guys who singlehandedly beat the market – well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble…

But it’s all a myth.

Today, I’ll reveal a little-known strategy guys like Soros and Jones used to become successful traders… And more importantly, why trying to become a Lone Wolf trader is dangerous to your financial health.

Why the Pack Beats the Lone Wolf

I’ve been a professional trader for over 16 years, including stints in the pits of the Chicago Board Options Exchange.

You can see me in the picture below…

That’s me on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange back in 2001.

I grew my trading account to over $1.2 million that year. And I’ve seen guys make more money in a few weeks than many people will earn in their entire lives.

So I know what it takes to become a successful trader.

But when I left the trading pits to become an individual trader, I learned some hard lessons.

The first one is you can’t do it alone.

You see, big-time traders like Soros and Jones have teams of very smart analysts who help them find trades.

These guys and gals are some of the most well-connected and well-informed analysts in the world. If they’re betting big money that something is about to happen… They’re most likely going to be right.

Think of it like this…

Trading is like looking at a room through the keyhole. You see only a small part of the room.

The average trader has a very limited view of the markets. He buys index funds and hopes they go up. And that’s it. But if you can see beyond this narrow view, there’s a much wider world of opportunity.

There’s more than $200 trillion worth of investable assets worldwide… Including stocks, bonds, gold, commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies.

As a trader, there’s no way to learn everything about all of those different assets. So if you choose to go it alone, you put yourself at a huge disadvantage.

Another problem with trading as a Lone Wolf is psychology.

You see, trading is more than just buying and selling. It’s about managing your own emotions.

You can have all the theory and all the tools in the world. But when it comes down to it, if a position you’re holding is suddenly down 50%, you have to decide what to do.

Will I cut it and run? Or will I take a deep breath, look at the chart again and stay in the trade? Your answer can often be the difference between losing big and winning big.

That’s why I founded Masters in Trading.

When I went out on my own back in 2015, I didn’t have anybody to back me up.

Even for a seasoned professional like me, there’s still a lot to cover in the markets.

I thought to myself, if I had a bunch of top tier traders that I trust, somebody can follow commodities… Another could follow financials… And so on.

In a community of traders, you can all work together. And if you’re all approaching the market in a similar way, it’s like cloning yourself.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

Join the Wolfpack

Over time, I learned having a community of traders at your fingertips gives you major advantages.

They come from different backgrounds, industries, and economic sectors. They can give you different perspectives and ideas to trade the market.

So I started Masters in Trading to share all the knowledge and experience I had acquired over the years with others.

Nothing makes me happier than seeing members of my trading community making tens of thousands of dollars using my strategies.

That’s why I recently opened Masters in Trading to a wider community. And right now, you can take advantage of my charter membership offer.

As a charter member of Masters in Trading, we’ll show you how to get started with options through education, guidance, and other support from other traders.

One problem new traders face is they fear being judged for their ideas, or their inexperience. That’s not what we do. To borrow a phrase, this is a “judgement-free zone.”

In a community of traders, everyone’s ideas are welcome. In fact, it’s encouraged. Those contrarian ideas that can really move the needle – not running with the herd.

We’ll have the chance to share your trade ideas, discuss the current state of the markets, or just have some friendly conversations with all the other members of the community.

If you want to become a charter member at a discount, you’d better hurry. Because I’m pulling this charter offer down today at midnight.

So if you want to grow your skills as a trader and take control of your financial future, go right here to learn how to join my community today.


Jonathan Rose
Founder, Masters in Trading