
Why You Should Appreciate a Bear Market

Jeff Clark Oct 11, 2022 Market Minute 4 min read Print

Jeff’s Note: Tomorrow night at 8 p.m. ET, I’ll be in Las Vegas to present something I’ve never revealed before…

You’ll discover why the odds are stacked against you in Vegas… and on Wall Street. But I’ll show how you can put the odds in your corner using my unique strategy during a rare 12-day window that’s quickly approaching.

You won’t have to touch options to do it either… So, click right here to join me tomorrow at 8 p.m. ET where I’ll guide you through everything you need to know about my strategy. Time is running out.

No one likes bear markets.

They’re scary, uncertain, and largely unprofitable… To most investors.

When the S&P 500 drops over 24% in a year, it’s typically a bad sign.

Add in spiraling inflation and ever-increasing interest rates, and the market goes into panic mode.

While it may seem crazy, I’ve been waiting for this opportunity for 14 years.

That’s right…

This is an opportunity for those willing to go against the grain.

You see, anyone can make money in a bull market. You could’ve thrown a thousand dollars into any number of crypto coins, meme stocks, or SPACs and watched your money grow in 2021.

But it’s what you do in bear markets that determines who truly gets rich… and who barely scrapes along.

In fact, 2008 was one of my best years EVER. Thanks to a rare 12-day window created by a “historic mathematical aberration,” I was able to make millions for myself and my clients.

And the same lucrative 12-day window that opened back then is set to happen again this fall.

This event could trigger the chance at gains of 492%, 5,590%, and even as much as 11,780% if you’re willing to take ONE action in your brokerage account right now.

It’s time to move your cash off the sidelines and into this particular strategy that could have life-changing effects on your finances.

Free Trading Resources

Have you checked out Jeff’s free trading resources on his website? It contains a selection of special reports, training videos, and a full trading glossary to help kickstart your trading career – at zero cost to you. Just click here to check it out.

So tomorrow, I’m making a big announcement in Las Vegas… For the first time ever, I’ll share all the details on this little-known money-making strategy.

It’s a way to see “option-like” gains without touching options.

I know what it sounds like… I’ve traded options for over 36 years. They’re my bread and butter.

But I’ve used this strategy to make millions. It works best in bear markets like the one we’re currently in.

It was so profitable that I kept it secret for decades.

Many of my wealthy clients at my former $200-million brokerage firm begged me for this strategy. I even turned down generous million dollar offers from Wall Street mega firms for my secrets.

However, I’ve seen too many investors shoot themselves in the foot during bear markets.

They panic, sell everything, and regret it for years. I’m tired of seeing regular folks lose it all, while Wall Street makes billions.

So, I’m finally coming forward with all the details about this special 12-day window that could create a decade’s worth of gains in just days.

And because this window is fast approaching, it’s important you attend my exclusive presentation tomorrow at 8 p.m. ET. You can reserve your seat right here, right now.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Best regards and good trading,


Jeff Clark

Reader Mailbag

How do you play bear markets?

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